Sexual Wellness

Your Bliss Deserves The Best


Why natural ingredients are important in your Personal Lubricant

Women across all age groups and regardless of relationship status are increasingly considering lubricant as an essential for getting sensual.

Common reasons for lubricant use include improving sexual function to enjoy a more comfortable, pleasurable experience, to decrease discomfort or pain from vaginal dryness, and to reduce the risk of injury during sex. Often associated with menopause, vaginal dryness can be experienced by women of all ages because of stress levels, hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle, or medication, amongst others.

Your answer to a silky smooth, deeply enjoyable and seductively confident sexual experience then, is a lubricant that enhances the pleasure for everyone.

A Delicate Subject

When you’re investing in a lubricant, it’s important to know the ingredients and to very particular about the product that you will be slathering on the most delicate and vulnerable tissue in your body. What you want is a luxuriant lubricant that is clean, natural, non-irritating and free of harsh chemicals or hormones.

Recently, Dr. Karyn Eilber, CEO and co-founder of GLISSANT created the ultimate in luxury lubrication. The line of products has sensationally earned a reputation as the “Chanel of lube” not only for their formulation but also for their elegant, discreet design.

Dr. Eilber is a physician and surgeon at the Los Angeles Cedars-Sinai Hospital, specialising in female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery; her friend and co-founder Renee Garacochea has more than 25 years of experience formulating beauty products using natural oils and extracts. Together, they have carefully created a beautiful solution with organic ingredients that enhance the natural arousal response of a woman’s vagina and prioritise vaginal health.

3 Key Ingredients

The water-based lube with its tantalising sea salt and caramel flavour contains:

  • Hyaluronic acid – powerfully adds to your own natural moisture, effectively improving vaginal dryness and facilitating vaginal healing.
  • Organic Aloe Barbadensis – a soothing anti-inflammatory with a long history of medicinal use, known for its aphrodisiac properties.
  • L-Arginine – an amino acid that nourishingly stimulates circulation and is filled with antioxidants.
  • Other botanicals such as Stevia, Red Spider Flower, Banksia Flower and Kangaroo Paw.

Pure plant-based oil lube combines science and herbology with the power of CBD and CBG:

  • Cannabinoids (CBD and CBG) – known to aid with anxiety and stress, decrease pain from inflammation and boost sexual performance.
  • Evening Primrose Oil – a source of Vitamin E with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, it has been shown to improve symptoms of menopause. It has a reputation as an aphrodisiac, improving genital blood flow leading to heightened sensation.
  • Horny Goat Weed – used in Chinese medicine for centuries to increase libido, with effects likened to that of Viagra (we’ll take it).
  • Other ingredients include grape seed oil, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter, and Ginseng root.

Ultimately, it’s all about you: treating your most intimate area with the respect that you deserve, enhancing your wellbeing and gliding your way to new levels of luxurious pleasure.

Explore the best products for your bliss with Confidential Collection – where pleasure meets luxury.

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